From little nerd to calculator enthusiast

I just wrote an article for HP. It should come as no surprise that it is about my love for HP calculators 🙂

The article is in Norwegian: Fra liten nerd kalkulatorentusiast

And I have included a Google Translate link: From little nerd to calculator enthusiast (I make no guarantees about the accuracy of the translation)


3 thoughts on “From little nerd to calculator enthusiast

  1. “The joy of collecting HP calculators is not having them. It is to collect them.” This joy is shining through in the article! Enjoyed reading it!
    ( being a little hard on you – disappeared, fire….generousity of life? Thinking about your Gains and loss post and also the Tools….).

  2. Isene
    As you say, you invested a lot into knowledge. Would like to remember it “next life”. I like this
    “collecting” principle. It works for life. One applies which works in different areas of life. Can you imagine that it could work for knowledge too? Can you trust Life (Yourself) this much?

  3. “But love lives on among us calculator enthusiasts nerds away at the HP forum and meet occasionally to share a joy that almost no one understands”

    That was a interesting article although I understood little. I like working with numbers and a calculator but yes, this is nerd’s stuff. Sincerely, have fun with your collection. Liked your comments about the fire destroying your collection but you enjoyed while you did it, so you just do it more.

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